Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I woke up this morning and felt like I do on any other "normal" morning. I got ready for work and woke Isik up to let him know that I was leaving. He is still feeling pretty crappy, better than he was, but he's still not feeling 90% yet. Around 10:00 Isik called me and told me that Sam had started coughing. I immediately called the Pediatrician and got Sam an appointment at 11:30. I finished what I could at work and ran home, picked Sam up and took him to the Dr. He wasn't running a fever, and everything looked good. The doctor gave him a prescription for Tamaflu and said since we are starting it early Sam should be okay. However, Sam cannot go back to daycare for the rest of the week. I went and filled his prescription and brought him back home and went back to work. I got everything done that was priority and spoke to my boss. I have the greatest boss! She told me to do what I needed to do to take care of my family and get us all healthy again. Sam has now thrown up and is running a little fever. I hope that after the second dose of Tamaflu, which he just had about 15 minutes ago, his symptoms will go away. Thinking positive thoughts!!

1 comment:

Lois said...

I am sorry to hear that Sam is sick now. I know he will be just fine. And Isik, Catherine will take good care of you. Trust her. She knows what she is doing. Look who taught her. She couldn't find a better mother. we sure miss all of you, but know what we are doing is right and our family will be blessed by it. Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, wash your hands a lot, the more the better. Take care, love you. Give hugs to the children from us. Thank you.