Monday, June 8, 2009

Unnecessary Panic

When people find out that we have H1N1 the majority, not all, but the majority of them FREAK out like we have the plague or leprosy. It is frustrating, shocking, and maddening to be on the receiving end of the ridiculous questions and comments that are made. I know how bad the Media can take a situation and turn it into a large steaming pile of crap, but I can’t believe how easily the masses follow like blind sheep.

I am the only one, out of over 2,000 employees, at the bank that has H1N1 and so my boss had to contact the Business Continuity Officer for the bank on Friday after I told her what the doctor said. The Business Continuity Plan was implemented and followed. Today a co-worker sent out an email to all the people in my entire building saying that I told her on Friday that I did not have H1N1, which of course was forwarded to executive management and the Business Continuity Officer and my boss. I then received a voicemail from this co-worker telling me that I "have created quit a stir" and she needed to know what was going on with me. Immediately after that I received an email from my boss asking me to give her a call regarding my diagnosis.

On Friday the co-worker had sent me a text telling me that everyone is worried about me and I replied, “No need to worry, it’s just the flu, I just need to ride it out.” Well I guess she made an assumption from that reply that “just the flu” meant I didn’t have H1N1 because I didn’t say I had H1N1 flu. Then for her to tell me that I had created a stir, when all I did was call in sick on Thursday, really? It is amazing how freaked out and irrational people get!

I called my boss, who is very understanding and thank goodness she has a good sense of humor, and we had to call the Business Continuity Officer together. I of course was incredibly embarrassed and humiliated! I had to tell him what the doctor told me on Thursday. After we had a good discussion about everything, he informed me that he actually appreciated me getting the flu so that the Business Continuity Plan could be tested and that I handled everything correctly. He was very thoughtful and kind, which I really appreciated in my time of humiliation!

I spoke to my Primary Care Physician and he told me that after the fever and 4 days since the symptoms started I was okay to go back out in public and okay to go to work. The only way I can spread it is to cough directly into someone’s face. Well, I won’t be doing that because that would be just plain rude. I sent my boss an email and asked if I can come back to work as long as I’m a courteous cougher and not cough directly in someone’s face. I’ve received her permission to go back to work tomorrow.

I’m a little nervous about walking into work, especially after the chain of events today. I hate the attention this has caused!

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