Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 4 for me, Day 3 for Isik

I'm feeling much better today, about 90% back. I was running a low-grade fever this morning, but it hasn't come back. Isik hasn't had a fever until this afternoon. I'm very thankful that I'm feeling better now so I can take care of him (although I would argue that I'm a much easier patient than he is.) I've started coughing more, which I wasn't doing before. Austin still has a nasty cough and I think I'll call his pediatrician tomorrow because he has had his cough for over a week now. Isik has the cough too. (Isik thinks he is dying.)
We have all been washing our hands constantly, sanitizing the table and counter tops, spraying Lysol on everything and everywhere, and doing everything as diligently as possible so Sam doesn't catch it. Thank goodness so far he hasn't shown any signs or symptoms. Children under 5 are in the higher risk groups for complications, so I am very worried about him. He has been very confused because we won't hug him or kiss him (although I sneak a kiss on top of his head occasionally). Each night instead of sitting on my lap reading he has to sit next to me, and every night he wants me or his daddy to lay down next to him and I've tried to explain to him that I can't, but he doesn't care, he just wants someone to lay down next to him. Tonight he asked if "any human" can lay down by him. After about 1/2 hour of coaxing him and explaining to him why we can't lay down by him and promising him that when I am better I will lay down by him, he told me that he was pretending his doggy's eyes (stuffed animal he sleeps with) were Mommy and Daddy and he hugged it closely and finally went to sleep. I just want to cuddle with him. This sucks!
I think I should be 100% tomorrow and look forward to feeling "normal" again! Hopefully Isik will be better tomorrow as well. (But again, Isik thinks he is dying. Like I said earlier, I'm a better patient!)
Hello - anyone there? I have commandeered her blog for now. I am dying and she won't help me anymore. Will someone please call the doctor? She won't share her cough syrup but at night and she got a shot the other day when I took her to the InstaCare. She won't take ME!!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!
OK, it's me again (Cat), see what I mean??? He's the greatest husband in the world! He is so strong and handsome! He's my SAVIOR!!!! That was Isik taking over again. At least he hasn't lost his sense of humor, if he had then I'd be worried and take him to the doctor. He still makes me laugh even when we feel like we have just been hit by a Mack Truck!

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