Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pig Flu Day 3

Well I slept like a champion last night, thanks to cough syrup and sleeping pills, and woke up this morning feeling much better. Thursday night I woke up about every two hours and I couldn't do that again last night. Isik is now on day 2 and not feeling good. I made the kids and myself breakfast, cleaned most of the house, and mowed the lawn. Isik slept until 1:30 and then I made him some lunch. I guess I did too much because the "long-lost" fever wasn't so lost. I started feeling crappy again and my fever was 100.5 so I laid down and feel asleep for about an hour. I'm now fixing dinner and wishing I had not done so much, but glad I'm feeling better. I realize that I've got to "take it easy" or else I'm not going to get better anytime soon!

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