Tuesday, June 2, 2009

15 years ago

On May 28th Austin turned 15. Yes, that is correct, 15. As in F-I-F-T-E-E-N. Unbelievable! First of all, I can’t believe he is one year away from the “first big one,” 16, and second, I really can’t believe that I am a mother to a 15 year old. This one caused me a little anxiety.

I’ve always told him that I am the luckiest mother on the planet and I truly believe it. He blessed me when he came into my life and there are countless things I have learned from him and he continues to teach me. Having him as a son has made me a better person. I have made decisions, because of him, to make our lives better, I have made goals, because of him, and achieved them, and I have made silent commitments to him that I have always kept and will continue to keep. I have always and will always strive to be the best mom I can, although I’ve made mistakes and if I could do some things over again I would jump at the opportunity. But, I continue to learn and I continue to evolve because on a beautiful spring morning, Memorial Day, 1994, I held in my arms this beautiful 8 lb. 12 oz. baby boy.

He has made me cry, but more times he has made me laugh. He challenges me to think about things in different ways. He has made me burst with pride over and over. He has made me appreciate the things we tend to take for granted.

Parenting is by far the most difficult job anyone can do, but it is by far the most rewarding one!

I love you Austin - all the way to the stars, all the way to the moon, all the way to the sun, forever and ever, and infinity! You are my sunshine! Thank you for blessing me and my life. Thank you for sharing your laughter with me. Thank you for sharing your stories. Thank you for being the incredible young man you have become. Thank you for hugging me and telling me you love me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for the million little things you do that make me the luckiest mom on the planet.
Me and Austin, 1994
August, 1994. This is one of my favorite pictures of me and Austin. He used to sleep on me like that all the time. However, maybe he didn't really sleep, but just allowed me to (notice his eyes are open). What a thoughtful son, even as a 3 month old.

At the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN. March, 1995.

July, 1995
(Present day...)

Austin's very favorite food is lobster and shrimp. I made him lobster tails and shrimp alfredo for his birthday dinner, which was wonderful I must admit. After dinner, and after Sam went to bed, Austin and I played "Would You Rather..." We laughed so hard. I love laughing with him, watching him laugh, and most important I love that he is happy.

Then we had ice cream, with one candle. The cake and 15 candles were saved for his friends on Saturday.
On Saturday his friends came over and Isik and I took them all to Fast Kart Speed Raceway. It was a great time!

After Fast Kart everyone came back to our house.
(Looking back again... these are some of my favorite pictures of Austin)
November 2006 (12 years old)
1999, maybe? I can't remember the exact year this picture was taken, but I'm pretty sure he was 5.
3 or 4 years old
5 years old (that was our pet tarantula)
5 years old

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