Friday, June 12, 2009

Sam and the flu

Sam has had the wonderful, deep, bronchial cough that sounds like a train is coming. The past two days he has randomly been running fevers. Yesterday morning, at 3:00 AM, he came running into our room sobbing! I had him crawl in bed next to me and all I could understand was he had a bad dream and couldn't get out of his room. He was burning up so Isik went and got him the Ibuprofen and I took his temp, 102.7, and hugged him so he could calm down. I gave him the Ibuprofen and had him lay down next to me. It took over an hour for him to finally settle down and he was determined to turn the light on in his room. He kept getting out of bed and going into his room and turning on the light. He needed to sleep with the light on, he kept saying. The entire time, he would come back and lay down in our bed. Who knows?! He then got up and turned the hall light on. I coaxed him to turn it off and had him come lay down again. I told him that mommy and daddy were right there and we would protect him. He asked if he could lay by his daddy so I put him in the middle. He finally fell asleep holding Isik's hand. Whatever the dream was it really shook him up! I'm sure the fever had a lot to do with it too.
Last night he slept all night with us, in the middle. I think he is really getting over this flu. The Tamaflu made a huge difference with him! He hasn't been fatigued like Isik and I were. Other than the cough and the random fevers he has really been his normal self.
I'm ready to get out of the house! Being cooped up for over a week now has taken it's toll! Finally, we are suppose to have a break in between rain storms today, so I'm going to get some yard work done. Out of the past 12 days it has rained 10 of them! It is suppose to rain tomorrow and Sunday again. I'm not complaining, in fact I have really enjoyed the cool air and the rain. I think I would appreciate it even more if I wasn't stuck in the house to whole time.

1 comment:

MotocrossMom AKA Autumn H. said...

I'm so sorry to hear how sick all of you have been. We are getting through our own little version of HELL on earth - hopefully things will start looking up for both of us soon!
Please let me know if I can do anything to help with the house or the kids.
Love you guys,