Friday, June 5, 2009

Pig Flu

Yesterday morning I woke up running a 99.5 fever and within an hour my body hurt all over from head to toe. I felt like I had been hit by a bus! I sent my boss an email that I needed to take a sick day and called Isik to come home and take Sam to school. It was difficult for me to move and there was no way I was driving Sam anywhere. Isik came home and helped get Sam ready then took him.
I took some Ibuprofen and DayQuil then laid down on the couch and spent about 2 hours working from home, following up on work emails, and various other things I needed to get done or moving.
Finally around 11:30 I fell asleep, woke up at 1:30 and was running a 101.3 fever. I was freezing and hurt all over. My body felt like I had pins sticking in me on every part of my flesh and I had a massive headache. I took more Ibuprofen and DayQuil and finally fell back to sleep.
I'm not sure what time Isik got home, but that is when I woke up, it was probably 5:30. I took my temperature and it was 103. Isik took Sam over to our friend's Dave and helped me in the car. I can't even describe how bad I hurt! There is only one other time I've felt so awful and that was when I had pneumonia. We went to the InstaCare.
I just sat in the chair and the tears were rolling down my cheeks. I felt so awful! It was difficult to sit in that chair, I wanted to lay down. Isik went and talked to the receptionist and they took me right back. My blood pressure was 140/80, my oxygen was 96%, and I had a 102 fever. I had to change into a medical gown and laid down on the exam table. It felt so good because it was so cold.
The doc came in, went through all the questions. Physically I checked out okay, other than fluid in both of my ears. The doc then informed me I had the swine flu. I told him I was concerned that I might have pneumonia. We took chest xrays to make sure my lungs were clear and they looked just fine. I have the swine flu! They gave me a shot for the fever and the pain.
We came home and I laid down on the couch while Isik made our bed, went and picked up Sam and took Sam with him to pick up my cough syrup prescription. He then got Sam ready for bed and into bed. I laid in our bed with the fan turned on, so I could cool down! Isik then went and got us food. I have a wonderful husband! He took care of everything because I couldn't do anything!
Finally at 10:00 last night my fever was gone. However, that was short lived. I woke up at 1:30 this morning and it was 99.9 again, at 4:00 it was 101.9, I took more Ibuprofen, and now it is 6:15 and it is 99.0. I'm so uncomfortable! I've still got the massive headache and I'm sweating but freezing. The only good thing is the pins that have been poking me from head to toe are gone. This sucks!!!

1 comment:

Lois said...

Catherine, it was so hard for me to know you were so ill and all I could do is pray for you.In fact, all of us here got on our knees and prayed that you would get better and your family will be okay. You have been in our prayers each day, and I know the Lord heard us. Don't overdue it. Be sure to get plenty of rest, and remember, to take it easy for a few days. We love you. Give the children a big hug from us and then you and Isik give each other a hug from us. We love you and your family and all of you are in our prayers always. Goodnight.