Monday, April 27, 2009

Pagosa Springs, Colorado (Day 1)

I was exhausted after the 9 hour drive and minimal sleep the first night. Without Isik there I wasn't able to get very good sleep because every sound, which was nothing abnormal, would wake me. I really wanted to have a semi-relaxing day; however, Sam was full of energy and wanted to run and play. After eating breakfast, (Cheerios, toast and milk) we went swimming.
Sam had never been in a regular swimming pool before, so at first he was a little apprehensive, but soon he was pretty comfortable with it. Austin taught him how to kick and splash the water.

After swimming, Sam wanted to do some maintenance on the golf course behind our condo, our temporary back yard...

... and running...

... then we had to find the geese and ducks...

... and we had to go to the playground...

... stopping for a brief moment by the river...

... then back to the golf course to take the flag...

... FINALLY, it's time to get ready for bed! I started the day exhausted and by the end of the day I was dragging myself to do anything! This kid took everything I had left and depleted it all!

All he has to do is look at me with those big brown eyes, my brown-eyed-boy, and I'd do anything he asked. I love this kid!

Good night!

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