Sunday, April 5, 2009


I don't think there is anything that beats "fun" on the "fun scale" like taking one of your children to Disneyland for the first time! On Friday we took Sam and Austin to Disneyland and spent a little over 6 hours there. Austin has been a couple times, but was still excited to go (naturally). Sam was so excited. In fact, the entire week prior to leaving was a nightmare! He couldn't go to bed at night and he didn't want to go to school, because everyday he wanted to go to Disneyland. Finally, the day arrived!! Finally, he got to have that once-in-a-lifetime experience that every young child should be able to experience.

The first time I took Austin to Disneyland was just as fun for me. I really think these two times going to Disneyland are two of my most favorite in the most-favorite-life-experiences. To watch both of their expressions when they first see any of the Disney characters makes my heart happy.

Sam can't take his eyes off Geppetto!

The first thing we did is go to Toon Town to find Mickey and Minnie. We were so fortunate! When we went in Mickey's house we had to walk through Mickey's house, his garden and barn. After waiting for about 15 minutes we were escorted as a family into a room and Mickey came out. It was the coolest thing. Our family in a room with only Mickey Mouse! Sam's excitement was indescribable.

My personal mission was complete. I wanted Sam to meet Mickey and succeeded. At this point, so early in the day, I think Sam's cheeks already hurt from smiling so much.

Ziya, Erin, and Aydin then met us there. Sam loved having his cousin, Aydin, to be his Disneyland buddy.

Since the major mission, meeting Mickey, was accomplished, it was time to ride some rides! Fortunately, the lines weren't too long. But what is Disneyland without lines?! Every ride Sam was convinced we were lost and wouldn't find the way out. He was always prepared with his hands by his chin to cover his eyes at a moments notice if necessary. The anticipation and the excitement was so fun to experience with him.

Although Isik and Austin weren't too thrilled to go on Small World, I won that one.

Austin didn't want to wear the seatbelt, but Isik told him he had to. (I told him he could take it off.) I had to take a picture of this miserable teenager!
Then there's happy Sam. So happy to be a kid and wear his seatbelt!

Big brother and little brother having fun.

Aydin and Sam watching the Jedi training.
Matterhorn line. At one point on the ride, Sam even put both arms in the air. He loved it!

Isik, Austin, and Erin waiting in the line for Space Mountain.

More lines. Austin is not happy to be waiting. Sam was just happy to be where he was at that very moment.

Sam even went in the Haunted House. That was FUN!

All day Sam would see the cars on the Autopia track and wanted to drive one. We finally made it. Sam drove and I pushed the gas pedal. We were laughing so hard because he couldn't drive straight and we were bouncing from one side to the other the entire track.

This is truly the Happiest Place on Earth. I love being able to have these experiences with my beautiful children and wonderful husband and our incredible family!

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