Monday, April 27, 2009

Pagosa Springs, Colorado (Day 1)

I was exhausted after the 9 hour drive and minimal sleep the first night. Without Isik there I wasn't able to get very good sleep because every sound, which was nothing abnormal, would wake me. I really wanted to have a semi-relaxing day; however, Sam was full of energy and wanted to run and play. After eating breakfast, (Cheerios, toast and milk) we went swimming.
Sam had never been in a regular swimming pool before, so at first he was a little apprehensive, but soon he was pretty comfortable with it. Austin taught him how to kick and splash the water.

After swimming, Sam wanted to do some maintenance on the golf course behind our condo, our temporary back yard...

... and running...

... then we had to find the geese and ducks...

... and we had to go to the playground...

... stopping for a brief moment by the river...

... then back to the golf course to take the flag...

... FINALLY, it's time to get ready for bed! I started the day exhausted and by the end of the day I was dragging myself to do anything! This kid took everything I had left and depleted it all!

All he has to do is look at me with those big brown eyes, my brown-eyed-boy, and I'd do anything he asked. I love this kid!

Good night!

Vacations revisited!

OK, it is official! I do not like being on vacation without my husband. There is wayyyyyy tooooo much time and it really sucks when he isn't with me to share it all! December 2003, before we were Mr. and Mrs.
Puerto Villarta 2004
Newport Beach, September 2004. This was the first time we had gone to California together. Sam was born 3 months later.Puerto Villarta 2005

Camping in 2005

Lake Tahoe, October 2005

Grand Canyon, November 2005

Puerto Villarta 2006

Puerto Villarta 2006 - The Scooby Doo Buggy

Cancun 2008

Chichen Itza 2008

Playa Del Carmen 2008

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Last May Isik and I went to the Children's Justice Center fundraising event and purchased a weeks vacation in the auction. Well this week has come. We have two full condos, that is two kitchens, two living rooms, two bathrooms, you get the idea. The problem is Isik wasn't able to take time off work, so he is at home and it is just me and the kids. Because he isn't here I am not as excited and happy about vacationing as I would be if he were here. I am going to have to take a lot of pictures so he can get the feeling of being with us when he sees the pics.
The boys are very excited and I am really looking forward to spending the next 6 days with them. With work and the general chaos of everyday life, I don't get a lot of one-on-one time with them and especially Austin. Sam is looking forward to swimming and fishing. I think Austin is just happy he doesn't have to go to school.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Austin Poom Belt

Austin started Taekwondo less than 2 years ago, but has been very successful in this short amount of time. In March he tested for the Poom Belt, which is the final belt before Black. He earned his Poom and is officially a Deputy Black Belt. He has started his Black Belt class, adding another hour to his already 4 hours every week. I'm so proud of him and his dedication he has shown to this wonderful sport!
Austin with Master Son. We really appreciate all the time and attention Master Son shows Austin and the growth he has helped Austin achieve!

Austin running front kick. Look how high he is and how straight his leg is. He's amazing! I need a faster camera to take these shots though!

Austin breaking the board.

Daddy's Little Helper

Sam loves to help and he especially loves to help his daddy with projects around the house. I'm sure this has a lot to do with all the tools! Isik was hanging lights in the boys bathroom and his little helper was right there with him.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Big Screen

Isik and I have been patiently waiting for Sam to be old enough to take to a movie on the big screen. Sam is a very active boy and so we had to wait for the right movie that would keep him entertained and we needed to wait until he was old enough to have some self control. Well the opportunity came and we took it. Monsters vs. Aliens. We went to the theater at the Gateway, downtown Salt Lake City, which is a large theater. When we walked through the doors Sam stopped and said, "Awesome!" We got our tub of popcorn for Sam's sake because you can't go to the movie, especially the first time, without popcorn. Isik took Sam to the bathroom to insure that there wouldn't be any alarms going off during the movie, because Sam likes to wait until he really has to go and then it has to be a very fast trip to the bathroom. Then we found our seats. Sam's little legs couldn't hold the seat chair down so Isik had to hold it down to make sure Sam didn't get folded in the chair. We put the tub of popcorn on his lap and the movie started. This was actually a cute movie and I found it to be very funny. Sam had a very enjoyable first big screen experience. (The pictures are a little fuzzy, it was dark when I took them, but the message is clear.)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I love SPRING!

Everything about Spring is wonderful. The lifeless world around me starts breathing again.

The dirt thaws and starts to crack where flowers and plants are trying to break their little heads through, the grass starts greening, the trees start leafing, spring bulbs start flowering and bringing more color to the much-too-long colorless world, birds start singing again, the sun shines and the rain falls, and on occasion sometimes it snows in April.

The top picture is my Contorted Filbert (Hazelnut), which I have actually named Johnny Depp. The next picture is my Royal Star Magnolia in full bloom. This is the first year that young tree was in full bloom, the previous winters had frozen a lot of the buds. The bottom pic is only a small sampling of the many daffodils and spring bulbs in my yard.


Every Easter we go to my parents house for Easter dinner and an Easter Egg Hunt. The cousins tear the house a part and play play play.

Sam drawing on the sidewalk
Sam and cousin J. leaving their mark
J. takes his artwork pretty seriously!

Austin enjoying the nice weather and I was enjoying seeing him smile and laugh.
Austin makes a rather good "horse," don't you think? I'm just confused why Sam, the smallest is the first one on the pile, then cousin D., cousin Kylin, and cousin Kenzie. I love the timing, with Kenzie jumping up just as I snapped the picture.

Austin, Sam, D. and A. Again, why is Sam the first one on, he's a tough kid...

... and they CRASHED!

This time they opted-out of riding on Austin's back, they just piled on top of him.
It was time for the Easter Egg hunt. While the kids ran around Grandmap and Grandpa looked from above, with Aunt 9, Uncle Nate and his sword, and Aunt Wendy.

Austin, being older, got to help his little brother search and find.



Everyone with their sack of eggs. Kenzie, Kylin, Austin, Sam, A., D., and J. What a great looking group!
Everybody with their eggs, now comes the fun part! What's inside?

Austin and Sam counting their eggs and seeing what was inside. Each egg had either a dollar bill or coins.

Sam seeing what treasures he has found

Cousin A. inspecting his dollars
Cousin Kylin, Cousin D., and Sam

Cousin Kenzie deap in thought
Aunt Wendy helping J. count his eggs.
Sam showing off his prize.

He's a happy kid, and he's really happy when he gets chocolate (notice the mouth?)