Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mother's Pride

I took Austin to the airport yesterday morning at 6:00 for his early flight to Seattle. Watching him go through security, by himslef, and walk toward his gate, by himself, was a very proud moment for me! It is a great feeling knowing that I raised him to be responsible and alert enough to travel by himself.


Lois and Arlain said...

Austin is doing great. Today he helped dad this morning, then he talked with the ranch manager and got permission to go to the horse barn. Bro. Hallows told him to stay back and watch. He can learn a lot by watching. Bro. Hunt taught him how to led a horse. Anyways, I guess he will spend tomorrow up there. Bro. Hunt said they can really use him. He has been adopted by the missionary elders and Dalin Hunt. He is staying in the bunk house with them. Austin also went on the garbage run last night and again tonight. He was out of the door before the driver (grandpa) was ready. He read his scriptures with us this morning and did very well. I got several comments on how well he read and how deep his voice was. I was a mighty proud grandmother. He will learn a lot here and he will never be alone. He will be kept busy, but also will have some fun time. Thanks for sending him.

Lois and Arlain said...

Austin is doing great. He is fitting in real good. The Elders has adopted him and he is staying in the bunkhouse with them and Dalin Hunt. He worked at the horse barn this afternoon and going to be there again tomorrow. He also went on the garbage run with the young workers also. Elder Mckowan is happy with Austin. They played a board game together and Elder M laughed so hard. He was really enjoying it. It was fun to see him having fun. He has ASburger Syndrome. He is very intellegent, but has a hard time showing his feelings. He really came alive with Austin. It was so good to see that. We are mightly proud of him and how he handles himself. Very respectful of others and so willing to help. He has also done the garbage run last night and tonight. It takes about an hour. He likes going with the elders and the girls. They have a blast, and Grandpa drives. Even Sister Fulk tagged along last night. You would think it is the highlight of the day. I think they think so too.
Thank you for sending him.

MotocrossMom AKA Autumn H. said...

Austin is an amazing, mature young man. I bet you are proud - you should be, you have done a great job with him!
This is a great opportunity for him to spend some time with his grandparents, yet be able to also have some time alone, away from his family. It will definitely be a trip that he will remember forever. Good for you for letting him go!

Brett said...

That is so awsome that Austin is going to go spend time with Mom and Dad! I am really excited for him, and wish it was me. Next summer I am hopeing we can get Anthony and maybe Brian to go and work for the summer up there. I think that would be a great thing to do. Thank you for your post on my blog. I am really doing much better now. And I know I need to get them to help me more, I just get tiered of asking. Take care, and give your family my love.
