Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Many faces of Sam, February - April 2010 (5 years old)

Sam going to a "Prince and Princess" Birthday party for his friend, Ivie.  Of course, he is Prince  Charming. (Feb 2010)
Of course, there is nothing that compares... I love my sleeping Sam.  Why?  Not only is he the cutest, but it is the only time I get to relax! (March 2010)

All the following are Feb 2010:
Sam drilling holes, nothing else, just holes.  By the time he was done with this piece of wood it looked like swiss cheese.
Just Sam. 

"What you talkin' about, Willis?"

This kid loves fries!

Practicing Tae Kwan Do with his brother.

Showing me he can balance himself on the wall, no hands.

What a goof.

Sam and Ivie

Just making sure the eyeballs are still there.

Sam's cool moves

Sam and I
Thumbs up... all is well.  I've got my fries!

April 2010:

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