Monday, February 1, 2010

Not fair and Incomprehensible

Children - the most innocent, perfect, unconditional, forgiving, resilient, tender, funny, and helpless of all.

I cannot comprehend nor understand why horrible things happen to such perfection! Why do children get terminal illnesses, why does abuse happen... it makes me so angry! It is not fair!

Rest in peace, perfect Emma and all the other perfect children whose mortal battles have ended!

I love you Austin and Sam!!! Thank you for letting me hug you a little tighter. Thank you for letting me be your mother. As I always tell you both, I AM THE LUCKIEST MOM, because you picked me!!! I'm honored to go with you through your journeys of life. You make my heart dance! Thank you!

1 comment:

JL said...

You’re right your have done a lot of updating to your site. Emma story is sad. That poor family is sure going through trials. Emma was their second lost. What a heart break. Now that I got my net working I will be able to follow your blog closer.