Saturday, March 20, 2010

Quality family time

We took the boys shooting for some quality family time.  Both Isik and I have such a profound respect for firearms and I know how important it is to teach our children proper use and respect.  Austin has really been wanting to go shoot the guns and he always looks forward to spending this time with his dad.  

It isn't very easy to find a place to shoot when there is snow everywhere, but after some driving we were finally able to find a good spot east of Morgan.  It was a beautiful day and there just is something about boys shooting cans that is so fulfilling. 

Like father, like son.  I love this picture.  They were having such a fantastic time!

I being the mother, made sure Sam's ears were protected. He didn't care that they ear-muffs added 10 pounds to his head, well not quite 10.

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Austin was so happy after shooting the Shotgun.  I think if we let him sleep with this gun he would have.  He fell in love instantly.

This was a frozen lake where we went.  There is a crack in the ice, from side to side.

Some of the amazing scenery.

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