Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Many faces of Sam, February - April 2010 (5 years old)

Sam going to a "Prince and Princess" Birthday party for his friend, Ivie.  Of course, he is Prince  Charming. (Feb 2010)
Of course, there is nothing that compares... I love my sleeping Sam.  Why?  Not only is he the cutest, but it is the only time I get to relax! (March 2010)

All the following are Feb 2010:
Sam drilling holes, nothing else, just holes.  By the time he was done with this piece of wood it looked like swiss cheese.
Just Sam. 

"What you talkin' about, Willis?"

This kid loves fries!

Practicing Tae Kwan Do with his brother.

Showing me he can balance himself on the wall, no hands.

What a goof.

Sam and Ivie

Just making sure the eyeballs are still there.

Sam's cool moves

Sam and I
Thumbs up... all is well.  I've got my fries!

April 2010:

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Isik’s entertainment

Isik will always find away to entertain himself…. even if it is in the dental chair.  I'm not sure which was more entertaining for him, taking the pictures while the dentist was playing in his mouth or sucking the gas.  

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sam learning to ride his bike

Sam loves to ride his bike. No matter what it is, as long as he can move his legs and be outside, he really is a happy kid.  Notice the "mechanics" gloves... they are his and he uses them frequently.


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Isik and Sam

Sometimes there is nothing greater than some good father / son time.

Friday, February 5, 2010

We all have wishes

Isik wishes this was his… that's all I'm going to say about this.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sam’s and Gymnastics

His first medal, I'm sure of many.

This picture is Sam doing the rings. He really did amazing!
Sam is a VERY active kid, always wanting to challenge himself and always very busy. We thought we'd see how he liked gymnastics. He did amazing, he enjoyed going, and he did very well; however, 1 ½ hours of the same activity for a five year old didn't work so well. We will have to wait until he is older and maybe we will try again.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Isik's family

Isik went to visit his brother in California and found this picture.  We don't have many pictures of him when he was little, only two or three, so it is always a treasure when he runs across some.  This is his mother, him (in the stripped shirt), his oldest brother, Dogan, his father, and his 2nd oldest brother, Ziya.  The thing that always strikes me when we find pictures of Isik is the fact that Sam is his twin.  I love that Sam looks just like Isik.  

Monday, February 1, 2010

Not fair and Incomprehensible

Children - the most innocent, perfect, unconditional, forgiving, resilient, tender, funny, and helpless of all.

I cannot comprehend nor understand why horrible things happen to such perfection! Why do children get terminal illnesses, why does abuse happen... it makes me so angry! It is not fair!

Rest in peace, perfect Emma and all the other perfect children whose mortal battles have ended!

I love you Austin and Sam!!! Thank you for letting me hug you a little tighter. Thank you for letting me be your mother. As I always tell you both, I AM THE LUCKIEST MOM, because you picked me!!! I'm honored to go with you through your journeys of life. You make my heart dance! Thank you!