Friday, October 2, 2009

San Francisco – Day 2 – Alcatraz

182Alcatraz is one of those places that is on my “list” of things to do / see in my lifetime.  I finally get to mark it off. 

Not only was Alcatraz Island beautiful, the view of San Francisco from across the bay was amazing, and it was incredible to see the Golden Gate Bridge from the island…191

… and the Oakland Bridge.


The National Park Service runs Alcatraz.  It is a self guided tour with no time constraints.  After taking the scheduled boat to the island, you can take any of the boats back to San Francisco.  We spent almost 3 hours touring the prison and the island.  

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“You are entitled to food, clothing, shelter, and medical attention.  Anything else you get is a privilege.”  - Number 5, Alcatraz Prison Rules and Regulations, 1934

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The showers.

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If you’ve never been, I highly recommend visiting Alcatraz!  It is one of the most amazing places I’ve visited!

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