Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sam’s sleeping habits


Since Sam was born, we have tried to establish healthy sleeping habits by establishing a bed time routine, bath, PJs, brushing teeth, and reading stories.  After four years of this routine, I keep hoping that one night, (I’m starting small and wishing for something so simple,) just one night that he would just stay in bed and actually go to sleep.  I keep hoping and will keep hoping.  Until that one night, we go through the bedtime routine Sam has created.  Getting up and going to the bathroom, then getting up because he needs a drink, then getting up to give me a hug and a kiss, then going to the bathroom again, then getting another drink… it goes on and on.  Sometimes for 2 hours, sometimes more.  There are those nights that he actually only gets up once or twice,  and I really appreciate those nights.

When he gets up, we try to pay minimal attention to him, so we don’t encourage the behavior.  Isik and I look forward to the time that the kids are in bed and we have our time together.

About two weeks ago, I started noticing how Isik gets out of bed multiple times before he finally relaxes and goes to sleep.  Is it possible this is an inherited trait?  Once I’m in bed, the last thing I want to do is get out of bed. 

Every night, after I haven’t seen or heard from Sam I know he has finally fallen asleep.  Sometimes, I will find him sleeping on the floor in his room, on the couch downstairs, on the futon in the office, or in the middle of the hallway.  Every night we go through this process, and every night I hope it will be the first night that he just goes asleep.





He’s so sweet, awake and sleeping.  This kid definitely makes my heart happy.



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