Sunday, August 23, 2009

10th Grade

Austin starts 10th grade tomorrow. WOW! It truly is unbelievable for me to think that I will have a high-schooler in my house! He is going to NUAMES in Layton. After attending orientation on Thursday and getting his schedule, it makes me want to go back to high school.
They put so much responsibility onto the kids, which is the way it should be. There will be no coddling. They can have their cell phones, imagine that. Obviously they are expected to use them properly. But that is just one of the ways the school shows the students they are responsible and are expected to be responsible.
He is taking Health, Pre-Calculas, Engineering, Biology, English, Spanish, World Civ, and Lifetime Activities. His Pre-Calc teacher is also a University Professor. All of his teachers are fairly young and they all seem to care about the students, unlike MANY teachers we've had for the past 10 years.
I'm really looking forward to this great opportunity he has. I'm hoping he takes advantage of the opportunity because the results will be amazing!

1 comment:

Lois and Arlain said...

I am so happy for Austin. He really has an opportunity that most students don't have. I don't blame you for wanting to go back to high school. I wish I could, and have the knowledge I have now. I surely would have done things different. I didn't have the opportunity in high school that the students have now. I pray for him to be successful and it turns out to be a good year.