Saturday, August 15, 2009

Woods Cross Wildcats, Class of 1989

Me, 1989. Oh, how I love the hair!!

Twenty years since graduation? Really? Wow, time does really fly!

Ten of the past twenty years I have spent building my skills and knowledge for my current career. The previous nine years of the twenty I worked on my college degree. All but five of these years I have been a parent and the last six years I have been a wife. So many changes have occurred in the past twenty years, so many lessons learned, so many decisions made, so many moments of laughter and tears of joy, hurt, and sadness. Now I guess the time has come that I get to enjoy the ride of life, but the lessons of life will never stop coming my direction!August 2009 063

Isik and I at the dinner.

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Isik with my very good friend Melanie. I have know Melanie since I was in the 4th Grade. Rich, her husband, was working out of town so Isik had two dates for the evening.

After dinner a group of us went to a local bar to spend more time mingling, sharing stories, and reconnecting. It was so great to catch up with old friends and class mates.

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Isik, truly a trooper!! He was a good sport reliving high school stories with me.

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Lindsay and Jim

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Duffy, Lindsay’s husband. I used to give him rides home when he was in Jr. High.

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Nicki and Jennifer

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Sherri, Lis, Andy, Danna and Jennifer

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Part of the group

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