Saturday, May 2, 2009


This is at Village Lake in Pagosa Springs. Austin had caught a fish in the first 10 minutes and then after 4 hours, nothing. This was Sam's first time fishing. Surprisingly, he actually enjoyed it although he had a very difficult time talking quietly.
Austin had cast Sam's line out and the top half of the rod feel off. It was great entertainment!
The top half is hanging down.
There were a lot of geese all around us. We even had one swim right up to us, honk at us, and then swim away.
Austin and his fish.

This is Forest Lake, which we went to after not catching anything for 4 hours at Village Lake. It was beautiful!
There were four fish about 3 feet off shore that Austin was determined to catch. He kept throwing a line with bait out there, but nothing. Eventually he accidentally threw the entire line in the water. That was the end of that idea.
Although you can't see them, there were two foxes playing on the other side of the lake.

Around 7 PM, the lake came alive. Fish starting jumping all over the lake. We'd throw our lines in and the fish would jump right by our bobbers. Austin had two fish hooked, but lost them both and one broke his line. We both had several fish steal our bait, sneaky fish!
Austin didn't want to leave until he caught another one. The fish were taunting him all around us!

Our dinner!

I had such a great time hanging out with my boys all day fishing and enjoying nature in its finest form!

1 comment:

MotocrossMom AKA Autumn H. said...

That is an awesome fish.
And what an awesome mommy to spend the day fishing with her boys...and having the time of her life.
I feel for Isik having to be stuck at home. Poor Isik!