Monday, September 9, 2013

Watch out for the little ones

We were out running errands tonight and as we turned the second to last corner to our house we were faced with several emergency vehicles, with their lights flashing.  I instantly went back in my memory, just a couple minutes before, when I had seen LifeFlight landing.  I thought it was landing at the airport, it had actually landed at the park located at the end of our street.  I instantly felt sick to my stomach, not knowing anything, I instantly assumed something really bad had happened to a small child at the park.

We parked our car and got out to hopefully get some information and waited along with what seemed like the entire neighborhood, so many people waiting.  I asked a couple people and finally someone said the ambulance had transported someone to the park where the helicopter was waiting.  I then look behind me up the street to see more emergency vehicles, lights flashing.

After asking a few more people, apparently a child had been hit by a vehicle in a driveway.  Talk about heart ache!  Oh no!  Something I always worry about and something that happens way too often!  Several minutes passed and they continued to work on her in the back of the ambulance, the whole time the helicopter sitting, waiting, quite.  I started to really worry because if they weren't transporting her then it wasn't a good sign.  Finally, after who knows how long, they got her out of the ambulance and moved her to the helicopter.

I couldn't help but think about her mom and the fear she must be feeling and then my thoughts went to the person that hit her and I cannot imagine the agony that person is currently going through.

The news is now reporting she is 4 years old and was visiting her cousins house.  She is in critical condition.  I hope she recovers and I hope the woman that hit her finds some stillness in the chaos.

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