Sam loved every minute of banging on the pots and pans and making as much noise as he possibly could.
I think we prepare for the majority of every year for the holiday season and Christmas morning! Isik didn’t celebrate Christmas as a child, so Christmas morning is as much fun for him as it is for Austin and Sam. Every year he makes the comment to me that he wants Christmas to always be like the first Christmas he celebrated with Austin and I, he wants that feeling of excitement and child-like awe. I love making Christmas exciting for my family.
Sam having a talk with the “big man”.
Isik is always the first one awake in the house and it takes a while to wake Sam up. I’m sure that will not be the case in a year or two.
Isik and Sam playing with Isik’s, oops I mean Sam’s, new Hotwheel track.
Austin playing with his laptop.
Roscoe playing with his new toy.
Leo and his new toy.
Charlie hiding under the couch with his new toy (it’s the safest place for him to hide so his toy isn’t taken away).