Monday, March 30, 2009


Dogs! I love dogs. If I could I would have a dog farm, and maybe someday I will. In October - November 2008, the saying, "bad things happen in threes," happened to us. We had to put three of our dogs to sleep for various reasons. I had these dogs for 13 years, 10 years, and 9 years, all since they were puppies. Laja, our oldest, was a minpin, Justice, our rottweiler, and Jeferson, was Laja's pup. This four week time period was very difficult for our family, and especially difficult for me. Eventhough we still had our Yorkie, Charlie, it was so depressing to be home and not have the dogs to take care of, play with, get frustrated with, and love me. We decided to foster a dog until we knew what we would do in the long run, and I was actually looking forward to having a "break" from dogs. Well that didn't last for very long! In February I started looking for puppies. We wanted another rotti, but I didn't want a purebred to help with the "purebred health issues." Isik really wanted a bull mastiff. Well, we compromised and found rotti / mastiff mixes. We had the intention of only getting one; however, we ended bringing home two brothers. Leonidas and Roscoe. Leo is the rotti-looking pup and Roscoe is the brindle. The first week was exactly like having infants. They woke me up every 2 hours to go outside. At least when you have a baby you have nine months to prepare. I didn't even have one day. After a sleep deprived first week, they started sleeping all night. They are definitely in the puppy stage, but once again, our house has the doggy spirit. They have doubled in size in the four weeks since we brought them home. They weighed 8 lbs. when we got them at 8 weeks and now they are 12 weeks and weigh 16 lbs.
Roscoe. He is such a sweet dog. He has definitely found a place in my heart!

Justice. I miss him very much! We all miss him very much!

Isik and Jeferson

Laja (and Jeferson's back)

Justice. I loved it when he would look up at me like this.
This is Leo. Sometimes I call him "Junior," because he does a lot of things that remind me of Justice!

Justice never knew how big he was. He always thought he was little. This is a small dog bed and he didn't see any reason he couldn't lay in it too!

This is Lillie, our first Yorkie. We only had 1 year with her and then she was in an awful accident and we lost her very suddenly.
This is Charlie, our resident Yorkie. We've had him for 1 year now. He thinks he is the boss!!!

Charlie, Roscoe, Leo and their brother, Bolder. All three brothers are playing tug-of-war with a rope. Our friend Adam is Bolder's pet.

Roscoe and Leo sleeping on the front seat of my car. This won't happen for much longer!

Austin, Sam and Jack, our foster dog.

Austin and Jack, our foster dog. Sam is sitting at the table.

In the past 14 years, we have been blessed with 8 dogs sharing our home with us, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, several fish, and 4 mice (not including the ones that live in the yard.) Going forward we will only share our home with dogs though.